TOGAF - 20 Questions
Which of the following is not true of the Architecture Development Method?
Which of the following answers does not follow the TOGAF definition?
Which section of the TOGAF document describes the purpose of deliverables produced as outputs from the ADM cycle?
TOGAF states that establishing and operating an Architecture Board is more than offset by the savings accrued from preventing one off solutions and unconstrained development. Which of the following answers does TOGAF not state as a reason for establishing an Architecture Board?
Within Phase C: Information Systems Architectures of the ADM which of the following is not a step stated by TOGAF
Which of the following best describes the purpose of the TRM?
Under Architectural Capability as an Operational Entity TOGAF states several benefits of architecture governance. Which of the following is not stated as a benefit of Architecture Governance in TOGAF?
Which one of the following is defined as describing the state of an architecture at an architecturally significant point in time during the progression from the Baseline to the Target Architecture?
Complete the sentence. To promote effective architectural activity within the enterprise, TOGAF 9 recommends the establishment of a(n) _____
Which of the following could be considered for potential use in Phase C, Application Architecture?
Which of the following item is not a part of Architecture Repository?
Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
Which one of the following statements does not correctly describe architecture deliverables?
Complete the sentence: According to TOGAF, Capability-Based Planning is ____
According to TOGAF, which one of the following is the practice by which the enterprise architecture and other architectures are managed and controlled at an enterprise level?
Where the process of creating a Business Scenario does starts?
Which phase of the ADM is used to finalize a set of transition architectures that will support implementation?
Which of the following classes of architectural information within the Architecture Repository defines processes that support governance of the Architecture Repository?
Which of the following is not one of the domain architectures produced by the TOGAF ADM process?
Which of the following is not an ADM Guideline or Technique?
TOGAF - 20 Questions
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