CFA 1 - 25 Questions

Which of the following are most likely to be an exchange-traded transaction?
Russell Bellamy, CFA, a manager with a regional bank, sends out a regular newsletter to clients on a monthly basis. Independent of his position, Bellamy has been appointed to the Board of a local nonprofit organization that provides grants to local artists. In his latest newsletter to clients, Bellamy mentions his appointment as well as the fact that the organization recently announced the start of a fundraising campaign. Has Bellamy most likely violated the Standards?
Which of the following statements is most likely correct regarding the audit of financial statements?
Which of the following statements is most likely correct regarding the fundamental weighting method?
Which of the following schools of economists applies the utility theory and argues that the government should not counteract business cycles?
A type of credit derivative in which credit protection buyer makes a series of regularly scheduled payments to credit protection seller while the seller makes no payment until a credit event occurs is categorized as a:
In conversation with a prospective client, a portfolio manager stated “I cannot guarantee that you will earn 18% on equities this year but I can provide you a range within which your return will lie. My range is quite popular among my clients and has a history of ten years. Each year, I develop the range by using financial models, economic forecasts and accredited reports. Based on the CFA Institute Standards, the portfolio manager:
Which of the following statements is most likely correct regarding the depreciation of property, plant and equipment under IFRS and U.S. GAAP?
Roberto Vargas, CFA, is in charge of the compliance program at his investment firm. According to the Standards of Practice Handbook, as a supervisor, Vargas is least likely required to:
A company recorded a depreciation expense of $5,000,000 for tax purposes and $3,500,000 for accounting purposes. Which of the following is the correct accounting treatment if the tax rate is 30%?
The probability that the Eurozone economy will grow this year is 18%, and the probability that the European Central Bank (ECB) will loosen its monetary policy is 52%. Assuming that the joint probability that the Eurozone economy will grow and the ECB will loosen its monetary policy is 45%, then the probability that either the Eurozone economy will grow or the ECB will loosen its the monetary policy is closest to:
Which of the following is the highest ranked unsecured debt?
Which of the following statements is most likely correct regarding the major sections of GIPS standards?
When a reliable current market price for a firm’s debt is not available, the cost of debt can be estimated using the:
What would be a recommended action for a firm that has disclosed material non-public information in an analyst meeting?
Anita Vizquel, CFA, is a sole practitioner providing investment advisory services. Based on extensive and ongoing research, Vizquel believes that Viatex Brokerage provides the best execution at a competitive price and she uses the firm for the majority of her clients' trades. In recognition of her loyalty, Viatex provides Vizquel with soft dollar commissions in the form of research reports that Vizquel finds very relevant for some, but not all, of her clients. Has Vizquel violated the CFA Standards?
Which of the following best describes the reason for choosing the NPV rule over the IRR rule when dealing with mutually exclusive projects?
Alonzo Myers manages accounts at GRTY Securities. Jerry Reed, one of his clients, e-mailed Myers to buy 300 shares in the IPO of JJKS Corp’s stock. Few days later, despite being a hot issue, Myers succeeded prorating 500 shares of JJKS Corp. for his clients. After purchasing 500 shares for his clients and 300 shares for Reed as per request, he purchased remaining 200 shares for his wife. Myers:
Under which of the following cases is the capitalization of development cost most likely prohibited?
The auditors were not provided with the supporting documents for the majority of the transactions (including material transactions) selected for the audit. Which type of audit opinion should most likely be issued in such case?
Which of the following characteristics is unique to the fee structure of private equity funds? 2
The production process of a calculator involves several steps. Suppose the pieces of the chain add the following value to the process: Raw materials supplier: $4 Factory: $3 Retailer: $2 The price that the retailer buys the calculator from the factory will be closest to:
Which of the following statements is most likely correct regarding parametric and non-parametric tests?
Turkey is the strongest importer of Russian oil products. Which of the following will be the outcome if Turkey places tariffs on imported products?
After 5-years of service with Jacob Securities as a financial planner, Shane Alvarado planned to start his own practice in his hometown. He informed his employer through email three days before starting his independent practice. The employer was on a business trip for a week and on his return he accepted his resignation. Alvarado always maintained his personal records related to training programs that he conducted at Jacob Securities, and he used that material in his new project. Alvarado:
CFA 1 - 25 Questions
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